Receive detailed information about movement along a route on the map - location and direction of movement, stops, length of stay, drivers behavior, distance traveled, fuel used, address visits, speed of movement and others.
You have the opportunity to access over 100 pre-set reports that will provide detailed information needed for every department in your company - owner, fleet manager, accountant, business analyst, human resources officer and others. You can also create individual reports in different formats to suit your needs.
The GPS tracker can be connected to the on-board computer of the vehicles in the fleet, giving you the opportunity to receive accurate information about fuel level and consumption, mileage, coolant temperature, battery charge, seat belts and other parameters.
The fleet control and management platform, will enable you to get much more for your vehicles and drivers - create work hours, plan routes, pay toll fees, monitor the behavior of the drivers, receive notifications about upcoming repairs, information regarding expiring toll passes and insurances, and much more. Request a demo and explore the full potential of the system.